Monday, August 8, 2011


Whenever start dnn skin implementation on dnn website. In html design file change module names to under square braces:
Eg: If there is logo module in dnn.
Then replace that module in html in following format
Logo to [Logo].
After converting Logo to [Logo] it is understandable for dnn engine that [Logo] is a dnn module it will convert it into
All this coversion will be done only after Parsing the skin. After parsing DNN engine generate a user control for that html file. Which is called a skin that can be implemented on the dnn pages.
DNN Skin Installation:
To install a dnn skin go in extensions and select skin from dropdownlist.
Then follow the described steps of DNN installation. Dnn engine will install skin in portals folder. After that any one can implement that skin.

Skin need to be place in the same folder under same portal for which we have design it. If skin is in another folder then it will show you to implement the skin along with preview of correct images. But css will implement on that preview.